Saturday, January 24, 2009

Lysterfield Lake Park, Victoria - beautiful!

I love the Australian countryside and the gum trees have such character. Here's a small selection from this weekend's visit to Lysterfield Park.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Kathie, these photos are beautiful. It's so much fun to see pictures from a country on the other side of the world. I live in California and we have a climate akin to many parts of Australia but I don't think I've ever seen a gum tree before. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I'm curious---what kind of trees are those and if we have them here in the US. I'm also starting to get into photography a little bit---but not enough to form a blog. I'll just keep admiring your pictures and Karlyn's.

Kathie Thomas said...

We call them gum trees but they're also known as Eucalyptus.