Sunday, July 01, 2007

Beautiful Lysterfield

Now that we're finally getting rain in Victoria, Australia, our countryside is green again. Graham was in a mountain bike race this weekend in Lysterfield and I couldn't resist taking some scenic photos whilst there.


Buzz Skyline said...


I see why you commented on my use of the term "virtual assistant" in my blog novel (assuming it was you, and not some other Kathie Thomas).

You're a REAL virtual assistant, unlike Betty the virtual reality personal assistant in The Dark Net.

If it was you, thanks for the comment.

Nice pictures on your blog, BTW.

All the best,


Kathie Thomas said...

Yes, that was me Buzz - sorry I took so long to respond. I only come to this blog now and then.

Cheryl said...

Wow, the light coming through those trees is fabulous! I'd love to be there!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.. Kakthie, I love these trees.. especially the third shot. Beautiful!
Looking forward to seeing more.

I added your rss to my google reader to I'm notified when you post more photos.

Would you be interested in adding me to your photo blogroll and vise versa? I would like to exchange with you at my photography site - - let me know.

Your friend,